Holding Artworks by Lalita Saripalle

Original Abstract Art

About the artist

Hello! I am Lalita Saripalle, a Melbourne-based artist and designer who loves creating digital as well as hand-made abstract art using various techniques like painting, drawing, marbling, mark-making and collage (to name a few!) In other words, I am an avid explorer of art-making, always a learner at heart.

Lalita Saripalle with her work


Hello lovely people, thanks for stopping by and a big warm-welcome! I am Lalita and this is my world of art and thoughts. As you will soon find out, I am rather new to blogging, and that probably stems from my struggles of talking about myself and my work. But I am committing to this, I want you to know the person behind the art too. I am an artist in the making, not sure how long the ‘making’ part will be but I honestly don’t know if there’s anything else in this entire world that brings me the same

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